I'm wishing everyone everywhere peace and tranquility.
Spent the day baking cookies; just me and my dog listening to the radio...madrigals, etc. It was transcendent...or at least peaceful. Out the window I saw snow, icicles and birdies coming to the feeder. Idyllic.
The boys were visiting their auntie in Connecticut. It was therapeutic all-round. Rolling out dough. Making menorahs/hanukkiahs, dreidels, suns, moons, stars, trees, sleighs, candy canes, little bears and ginger-bread men. When the boys came home, they helped eat the rejects. Of course, they'll get the good ones, too.
Tonight the cookies are ensconced in their tupperware (who invented that, really?), and tomorrow we'll frost them.
I just really needed today. I'm glad that we were technically snowed-in. Perfect. Now the fire's crackling in the fireplace. It's like a ski lodge. I'm happy. Thanks.
Be well.
Happy Solstice, everyone!
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